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Dr. Giulia Leoni, Research and Development

The food It is related to primordial cultural codes and unconscious which cause nourishment, as well as satisfying a physiological need , is something that binds us to the environment in which we live and therefore it is social and identity criterion, custom and tradition.

AND Is it possible to intervene on this primitive impulse of taste to avoid becoming its slaves?

Food is medicine, as they already knew Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus, but then why can't we see what we eat, not only as a satisfaction of taste, but also as a generator of short and long-term effects?

How much does the psychic dimension influence nutrition?

Food refers to infinite psychic indicators, but let's focus on obesity which afflicts the West in the modern era, as a result of both excessive food consumption and an overly varied and appetizing offer that can deceive our regulatory mechanisms of hunger and satiety, and of loss of a culture of well-being understood as a culture of physical exercise and therefore of body health.

In the dimension of our body, in fact, the deepest ones are agitated difficulties of the soul. Suffer from obesity in a society that favors the thin is equivalent, nowadays, to one disguised social exclusion.
For this reason all the disciplines which were once used saving the soul, such as mortification, abstinence, have today been revived and reintroduced in the form of diets not so much to ensure the health of the body, but to save that identity and that possibility of be accepted.

What is at stake is not so much reconciling oneself with food, but it is to exist. The person who eats to exist and who wants to lose weight for the same reason is walking a razor's edge.

For this reason, most of the time diets fail, not so much because the gluttony is repressing, but because insecurity about one's existence he didn't find where to anchor. When the food becomes one proof of existence , then he is tasked with a discourse that is not his responsibility and for which he has no words.

“Mens sana in corpore sano”: what does it mean?

The motto mens sana in corpore sano should be interpreted differently than the literal meaning attributed to it: Juvenal does not affirm, in fact, that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind, but that you need to exercise both equally. The idea that body and soul can only grow and develop together is the basis of the school and education model also proposed by Aristotle.

In modern usage, then, an even more complex meaning is attributed to the precept, meaning that, for to have healthy faculties of the soul, one must also have healthy ones in the body (and vice versa) by virtue of psychophysical unity. Exactly this one psychophysical unity is found in holistic sciences: any medicine, science or art that considers the human being as one totality of body, mind and soul , can be considered holistic. Holistic medicine is concerned with the overall health of human beings.

Take care of yourself becomes the sum of multiple actions: feed yourself in a more natural way, purify your emotions and negative thoughts, understand the profound reasons for your actions and, finally, evolve humanly and spiritually.

Ancient herbal traditions and modern scientific research in BeC

BeC, initially inspired by traditional oriental medicine, seeks to combine ancient herbal traditions with the modern scientific research, in a constant effort to grasp the best to obtain synergistic results.

Everyone BeC food supplements , in line with one holistic vision, are designed for well being overall of the individual and not to solve just a single need. In fact, all our organs are connected to each other and it would therefore be approximate to act only on a single aspect, neglecting the "contour". For this reason, all our supplements are composed of complete and well-balanced mixtures in order to offer the maximum degree of bioavailability of the nutrients contained, thus optimizing their effectiveness and nutritional value.

Thanks to their particular composition, they can be used by people who follow different types of diet, such as: vegetarian, vegan, low in cholesterol and saturated fats, low in sodium and low in refined sugars.

To maintain a good state of health in fact, it is necessary to take care of one's SELF at 360 degrees, not only through physical exercise it's a balanced diet , which balances above all i macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats), but also by supplementing with products based on micronutrients, such as vitamins and mineral salts , which are essential for the well-being of our body and which unfortunately are increasingly lacking due to pollution, incorrect storage or prolonged cooking of food.

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