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Linda Togni, Naturopath

Essential oils can support any stage of every woman, from menarche to menopause, but not only! I can support female cyclicality for a deeper 360° well-being.

Essential oils are of great help and support regarding both the management of menstrual pain both to rebalance emotional states such as anxiety, agitation, or in case of insomnia or asthenia.

How do essential oils act on our brain and olfactory system?

Essential oils, being fat-soluble and having very small dimensions, penetrate the skin and our body very quickly. They act at a cellular level, protecting the cell and are effective against bacteria, mold, viruses, as well as being valid antioxidants. The essential oils provide primary prevention, immediate balance and well-being, are not addictive and work on cause and symptom.

When an aromatic essence is smelled, anatomically the olfactory system is connected to the Libyan system of the brain which includes the hippocampus or long-term memory, the amygdala (emotions) and the hypothalamus (autonomic nervous system and hormones). Thanks to the connection between the olfactory system and the limbic system, the essential oils have profound physiological and psychological effects.

However, inhaling an essential oil is an extraordinary method that affects memory, hormones and our emotions through the olfactory system.


The interest in Aromatherapy arises from the fact that results can be obtained both from applications on a physical level and from applications on an emotional level.

Aromatherapy can be an excellent ally to traditional medicines to be used simultaneously to optimize the treatment.

" AND a fascinating natural science.

The use of aromatic oils and extracts of certain plants is useful for enjoying their positive effects on a physical, psychological and emotional level. Aromatherapy is a multi-purpose holistic treatment, founded on the ancient principle according to which the spirit and body must be in harmony. Thanks to a subtle combination of various substances, aromatherapy provides well-being for both.

To make essential oils, different parts of plants are used (flowers, roots, seeds, berries, peels, rhizomes) to relax, balance and rejuvenate body, mind and spirit.

Essential oils are a work of art, they have a thousand shades, hundreds of different components, a source of unique emotions that interact with the deepest aspects of our self.” (cit. p.35, Franco Canteri “ Complete Guide to Essential Oils ” Punto d'Incontro Edition)

Main properties

  • painkillers
  • analgesics
  • bactericidal
  • fungicide
  • anti-inflammatory
  • healing
  • diuretic
  • detoxifying
  • sedative and calming
  • stimulating

However, given my profession as a Naturopath, I use essential oils topically (on the skin) both during the Plantar Reflexology treatments that I carry out with clients 1:1, or, I teach them how to use synergies to diffuse into the environment or apply locally on the belly or on some reflex points of the foot or on various parts of the body (wrists, neck, chest) for centering and connection rituals.

All this brings extraordinary psycho-physical well-being, as well as giving yourself a moment of value for your well-being!

Essential oils for female well-being

  • Amenorrhea: clary sage, rosemary to be used in diffusion or massage in the lumbosacral area, diluted in a warm bath.
  • Menstrual cramps: clary sage, damask rose, true lavender, Roman chamomile. To be massaged into the painful area, in a warm bath and spread. I recommend applying them in the pre-menstrual phase on the kidneys and abdomen.
  • Menopause or climacteric problems: Oils such as clary sage and ylang ylang are recommended to be applied on the belly and sacrum, while peppermint is recommended on the soles of the feet and on the solar plexus.
  • Premenstrual syndrome: clary sage, ylang ylang, Roman chamomile. Diluted in a hot bath, in diffusion or massage, generally applied from the tenth day after menstruation.
  • Awakening of sexual energies: cinnamon, jasmine, ylang ylang diffused or on the wrist and nape points.

BeC natura products for female well-being

Specifically, some wonderful products BeC natura they help to ease tension, relieve pain, inflammation and stress, improving mood and promoting relaxation of body, mind and spirit.

Balsamo BeC: balsamic cream rich in natural anti-inflammatory essential oils, indicated to soothe and provide relief. We find a combination of fantastic essential oils including Savory and Wintergreen and some with a calming action, such as Chamomile and Lavender. Excellent to use topically, massaging calmly and lovingly several times a day on the tense or painful area such as the belly, neck and legs.

Leni Mal supplement: rich in Vitamins and Mineral Salts with plant extracts to relieve joint pain, associated with inflammatory conditions, localized tension and the menstrual cycle. It can be integrated as needed with the use of Balsamo BeC and aromatherapy associated with a conscious eating style. Furthermore, it acts against the free radicals underlying inflammatory conditions, thanks to the skilful combination of plant extracts selected for their antioxidant active ingredients, such as green tea and artichoke. The action of these active ingredients combines with the more specific properties of Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata extracts, excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

To these extracts is added the action of Tancetum parthenium, a plant similar to Chamomile, known not only for its antioxidant properties but also for its preventive action against migraines.

Numerous other components strengthen each other (Cranberry and vitamin C, manganese and vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin B2) and contribute to the anti-inflammatory activity and effectiveness in controlling painful conditions. To these are added the essential oils of Rosemary, Savory and Juniper.

Soave Mente supplement: born to protect the activity of the nervous system, an excellent remedy to integrate into our daily lives to rebalance our mood and mental well-being. Excellent during seasonal changes, in case of stress and in case of premenstrual syndrome. Furthermore, it helps preserve cognitive functions, aiding learning and memory. Inside we find Griffonia simplicifolia, a plant rich in the precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in sleep and in the mechanisms of hunger and good mood.

In combined synergy we find Passiflora, calming, antispasmodic, suitable for those with a lot of anxiety and for those with fixed thoughts.

All completed by the action of Lavender essential oil and St. John's wort, which relax in case of stress and maintain mental well-being. Vitamins B1, B6, B5, B12, together with Magnesium and Ginkgo biloba, support cognitive activities and the central nervous system.

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